Chocolate Walnut Dessert

2. Start the Miscela di Cioccolato

  • Put the latte in a casserole dish at medium heat, evenly cooked.
  • Add the latte to the melted chocolate, the latte ice cream and a vanilla pizza, the mixture ends up being completely cooked.
  • Una volta sciolto, aggiungi l’olio de avocado fino a ottenere una miscela liscia et lucida.

3. Unisci and Forma

  • Versa la miscela de cioccolato nella miscela biscotti, mescolando fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo.
  • First miscela in a stamp or in a prepared teglia, create a uniform layer.

4. Prepare the Glassa

  • In a microwave oven, cook the chocolate and the avocado oil at 30 second intervals, mixing it all the time.

5. Apply the Glassa

  • Pour the glass of chocolate into the biscotti layer, distribute it evenly.
  • Save the surface area with the peanut macinate rimanenti.

6. Fredda and Solidifica

  • Put it in the freezer for some time.
  • Una volta solidificato, togli in the freezer and taglia a barrette or quadratini first served.
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