Heaven in a Bowl


  1. Layering:
    • Start with a layer of cake or brownie crumbles at the bottom of a bowl.
    • Add a generous layer of pudding or custard on top of the crumbles.
    • Arrange a mix of fresh fruits over the pudding layer.
    • Top with a dollop of whipped cream.
    • Sprinkle nuts or granola for added texture.
  2. Finishing Touches:
    • Finish off with a sprinkle of chocolate shavings or a drizzle of chocolate sauce.
    • Feel free to get creative with additional toppings like caramel sauce, cookie crumbs, or flavored syrups.
  3. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Serve the “Heaven in a Bowl” dessert immediately to enjoy the varied textures and flavors in each spoonful.
    • Customize the dessert bowl according to your preferences by swapping out ingredients or adding your favorite flavors.

Feel free to experiment with different combinations of ingredients to create your own version of “Heaven in a Bowl” that suits your taste preferences and cravings.

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