Quick and Easy Homemade Bread

A big mixing bowl needs 450 grams of flour sifted into it to start. Achieving a smooth, flexible dough requires flour that is light and lump-free, which is achieved in this stage.
Two tablespoons of vegetable oil and a sprinkle of salt should be added to the flour along with water. While whisking the ingredients together using a wooden spoon or your hands, slowly add 240 ml of boiling water. The ingredients are bound together and a dough is formed that is simple to handle when the water is heated.
The ezoic
2. Get the Dough Kneaded and Set It Aside: Get the Dough Kneaded:
After everything is mixed, turn the dough out onto a surface that has been gently dusted with flour. To make it smooth and elastic, knead it for about five to seven minutes. The gluten, which is responsible for the bread’s structure and chewiness, is developed during the kneading process.
The ezoic
Create a ball:
Roll the dough you just worked up into a ball and seal it in a plastic bag or a breakfast sack. Set aside for 20 minutes to relax. After the dough has rested, the gluten has had time to relax, making rolling out the dough a breeze.
3. Forming and Resting the Cookie Cough:
Split the Flour:
Cut the dough into eight equal pieces after the first resting time. Roll out each component into a little ball.

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